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Managerial Functions


POLCA as functions:


Management function that involves the process of defining goals, establishing strategies for achieving those goals. And developing plans to integrate and coordinate activities.


Management function that involves the process of determining what tasks are to be done. Who is to do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom, and where decisions are to be made.


Management function that involves motivating subordinates, influencing individuals or teams as they work, selecting the most effective communication channels, or dealing in any way with employee behavior issues.


Management function that involves monitoring actual performance, comparing actual to standard and taking corrective action, if necessary.


Quality function which demands from every manager that he/she ensures that prior management support and management processes are in place before POLC management functions are executed.

Management process

It is the set of ongoing decisions and work activities in which managers engage as they plan, organize, lead, and control.

The management process

includes more than the four management functions.

1. The process also includes work methods, managerial roles, and managerial work agendas.

2. The management process applies to both profit-making and not-for-profit organizations.

a. A not-for-profit organization is an organization whose main purposes center on issues other than making profits.

b. Examples of not-for-profit organizational include government organizations, cultural institutions, charitable institutions, and some health-care facilities.

Management Process:

Planning Organizing Leading Controlling Lead to

Defining goals, establishing strategy, and developing sub plans to coordinate activities Determining what needs to be done, how it will be done, and who is to do it Directing and motivating all involved parties and resolving conflicts Monitoring activities to ensure that they are accomplished as planned Achieving the organization’s stated purpose

Efficiency refers to getting the most output from the least amount of inputs.

Efficiency (Means) Effectiveness (Ends)

Resource Goal Usage Attainment

Low Waste High Attainment Management Strives For: Low resource waste (high efficiency) High goal attainment (high effectiveness)  


is often described as “doing the right things” – that is, those work activities that will help the organization reach its goals. We have learnt that; a manager is someone who works with and through other people by coordinating their work activities in order to accomplish organizational goals. While performing, the manager has to keep in mind that he /she has to deal workers and other people around him in variety of situations.

Mistakes Managers Make:

A comparison of “arrivers,” those who made it all the way to the top of their companies, and “derailers,” those who were successful early but were knocked off the “fast track,” shows that although both groups had talent and weaknesses, the “derailers” had some fatal flaws. Here are the top ten mistakes made by derailers.

1. Insensitive to others: abrasive, intimidating, bullying style.

2. Cold, aloof, arrogant.

3. Betrayal of trust.

4. Overly ambitious: thinking of next job, playing politics.

5. Specific performance problems with the business.

6. Over managing: unable to delegate or build a team.

7. Unable to staff effectively.

8. Unable to think strategically.

9. Unable to adapt to boss with different style.

10. Over dependent on advocate or mentor.

Successful entrepreneurs have all the managerial and technical competencies along with some key personal attributes to take risk and win through the odd situations.

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