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After studying this chapter, students should be able to understand the following concepts:

A. Job Analysis


We begin the chapter by describing why job analysis is a basic human resource management tool and

explaining the reasons for conducting job analysis. Next, we review the types of job analysis information

required and discuss job analysis methods. Then, we explain the components of a well-designed job

description and describe other methods for conducting job analysis and the ways job analysis helps to

satisfy various legal requirements. We then examine the human resource planning process and some human

resource forecasting techniques. Next, we discuss forecasting human resource requirements and availability

and describe what actions could be taken should either a surplus or a shortage of workers exist. The chapter

ends with a discussion of succession planning and development and job design.

A. Job Analysis:

Studying and under-standing jobs through the process known as job analysis is a vital part of any HRM


I. Purposes of the job Analysis

Job analysis is used to acquire the information in following areas

1. Major duties or activities required

2. Conditions under which the job is performed

So this process helps us to learn the following concepts:

Job: A group of tasks that must be performed if an organization is to achieve its goals.

Position: The tasks and responsibilities performed by one person; there is a position for every

individual in an organization.

Task: A distinct, identifiable work activity composed of motions

Duty: A larger work segment composed of several tasks that are performed by an individual.

Responsibility: An obligation to perform certain tasks and duties.

II. Job Analysis Defined:

Job Analysis is the SYSTEMATIC process of collecting and making judgments about all the important

information related to a job. Job analysis is the procedure through which you determine the duties and

nature of the jobs and the kinds of people who should be hired for them. You can utilize the information it

provides to write job descriptions and job specifications that are utilized in recruitment and selection,

compensation, performance appraisal, and training.

III. Reasons For Conducting Job Analysis

A sound job analysis system is extremely critical for numerous reasons.

Staffing—All areas of staffing would be haphazard if the recruiter did not know the

qualifications needed to perform the job.

Training And Development—if the specification suggests that the job requires a

particular knowledge, skill, or ability—and the person filling the position does not possess

all the qualifications required—training and/or development is probably in order.

Compensation and Benefits—The relative value of a particular job to the company must

be known before a dollar value can be placed on it. From an internal perspective the more

significant its duties and responsibilities, the more the job is worth.

Safety and Health—Information derived from job analysis is also valuable in identifying

safety and health considerations.

Employee and Labor Relations—Regardless of whether the firm is unionized,

information obtained through job analysis can often lead to more objective human

resource decisions.

Legal Considerations—having properly accomplished a job analysis is particularly

important for supporting the legality of employment practices.

a. Job Analysis for Teams—Today whenever someone asks, “What is your job

description?” the reply might well is, “Whatever.” What this means is that if a project has

to be completed, individuals do what has to be done to complete the task.

IV. Types of Job Analysis Information

Considerable information is needed if job analysis is to be accomplished successfully. Knowledge of the

types of machines, tools, equipment, and work aids that are used in performing the job is important. Some

job analysis systems identify the standards that are established for the job.

Questions Job Analysis Should Answer

• What physical and mental tasks does the worker accomplish?

• When does the job have to be completed?

• Where is the job to be accomplished?

• How does the worker do the job?

• Why is the job done?

• What qualifications are needed to perform the job?

V. When Job analysis is performed?

Job analysis is conducted under following situations.

• When the organization is founded

When organizations are created complete information about jobs to be performed is collected through job


• When new jobs are created

When jobs are changed significantly as a result of new technologies, methods, procedures, or systems for

analyzing them job analysis is conducted.

VI. Uses of Job Analysis Information

1. Recruitment and Selection – Job descriptions and job specifications are formed from the

information gathered from a job analysis, which help management decide what sort of people to

recruit and hire.

2. Compensation – The estimated value and the appropriate compensation for each job is determined

from the information gathered from a job analysis.

3. Performance Appraisal – Managers use job analysis to determine a job’s specific activities and

performance standards.

4. Training – Based on the job analysis, the job description should show the job’s required activities

and skills.

5. Discovering Unassigned Duties – Job analysis can help reveal unassigned duties.

6. EEO Compliance – The Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection stipulate that job analysis is a

crucial step in validating all major personnel activities.

VII. Steps in Job Analysis

The job analysis process has the following steps:

1. Identify how the information will be used because that will determine what data will be collected

and how it should be collected. Interviewing and position analysis questionnaire are some examples of data

collection techniques.

2. Review relevant background information, such as organization charts, process charts, and job


3. Select representative positions to analyze because there may be too many similar jobs to analyze,

and it may not be necessary to analyze them all.

4. Analyze the job by collecting data on job activities, required employee behaviors, working

conditions, and human traits and abilities needed to perform the job.

5. Review and verify the job analysis information with job incumbents to confirm that it is factually

correct and complete.

6. Develop a job description and job specification from the job analysis information.

VIII. Job analysis outcomes

a. Job description

A job description is a written statement of what the jobholder actually does, how he or she does it, and

under what conditions the job is performed. There is no standard format for writing job descriptions, but

most descriptions include sections on:

• job identification

• job summary

• relationships, responsibilities, and duties

• authority of incumbent

• standards of performance

• working conditions

• job specifications

b. Job specification

A job specification is a document containing the minimum acceptable qualifications that a person should

possess in order to perform a particular job. Items typically included in the job specification are educational

requirements, experience, personality traits, and physical abilities.

c. Job evaluation

In Job Evaluation process the worth of job is identified based upon job comparability and according to

worth, importance of job and relative value Compensation is designed and selected.

Key Terms

Job Analysis: Studying and under-standing jobs through the process known as job analysis is a vital part of

any HRM program

Job Specification: A job specification is a document containing the minimum acceptable qualifications that

a person should possess in order to perform a particular job

Job Description: A job description is a written statement of what the jobholder actually does, how he or

she does it, and under what conditions the job is performed.

Job Evaluation: It suggests about the relevant importance of a particular job in organization.

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