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Basic C Language Concepts

Random access memory (RAM).................................................................................... 2
Pointer Definition .......................................................................................................... 2
How to assign a value to the pointer?................................................................... 2
Pointers Arithmetic....................................................................................................... 3
Example: pointers increment and decrement ...................................................... 3
Example: pointers addition and subtraction......................................................... 4
Example: pointers comparison (>, <, ==) ............................................................ 4
Arrays as Pointers........................................................................................................ 4
Array name is a const pointer ................................................................................ 4
A pointer can point to element of an array ........................................................... 5
Example: Pointer De-referencing .......................................................................... 5
Example: Pointer arithmetic. .................................................................................. 5
Example:.................................................................................................................... 6
Pointer Advantages...................................................................................................... 6
Pointer Disadvantages ................................................................................................ 6
What's wrong here? ................................................................................................. 7
Summary ....................................................................................................................... 7
Tips................................................................................................................................ 7
Basic C Language Concepts 2

Random access memory (RAM)

RAM (random access memory) is the place in a computer
where the operating system, application programs, and data
in current use are kept so that they can be quickly reached by
the computer's processor. RAM is much faster to read
from and write to than the other kinds of storage in a
computer, i.e. the hard disk, floppy disk, and CD-ROM.
However, the data in RAM stays there only as long as your
computer is running. When you turn the computer off,
RAM loses its data. When you turn your computer on again,
your operating system and other files are once again
loaded into RAM, usually from your hard disk.
RAM is the best known form of computer memory. RAM is considered "random access"
because you can access any memory cell directly if you know the row and column that
intersect at that cell.
Every byte in Ram has an address.
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000001
00000000 00000010

. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .

11111111 11111111

Pointer Definition

Essentially, the computer's memory is made up of bytes. Each byte has a number, an
address, associated with it. “Pointer is a kind of variable whose value is a memory
address, typically of another variable”. Think of it as an address holder, or directions to
get to a variable.
How to assign a value to the pointer?
int *p;
int i = 3;
p = &i;
read & as "address of"
Basic C Language Concepts 3
In this piece of code, we have taken a pointer to integer denoted by “*p”. In second
statement, an integer is declared and initialized by ‘3’. The next step is the most
important one. Here we are passing the “Address” of the integer “i” in the pointer.
Since pointers hold the variable addresses; so now the pointer “p” contains the
address of the integer “i” which has a value of 3.

Pointers Arithmetic

Pointer Arithmetic deals with performing addition and subtraction operations on
pointer variables.
increment a pointer ( ++ )
decrement a pointer ( -- )
Address in pointer is incremented or decremented by the size of the object it
points to (char = 1 byte, int = 2 bytes, ...)

Example: pointers increment and decrement

char x = 'A'; // variable declaration and initialization
int y = 32;
char *xPtr = &x;
int *yPtr = &y; // pointer declaration and initialization
xPtr--; //Since char takes 1 byte, and if xPtr has
// a value of 108 now it would have a value of
// address 107
xPtr++; // pointer would have a value of address 108
Here, we have explained that if we add 1 to a pointer to integer, then that pointer will
point to an address two bytes ahead of its current location. Similarly, when we
incremented the xPtr, the address it contained is incremented to one value since xPrt
is a pointer to integer.


Value added or subtracted from pointer is first multiplied by size of object it points to
Basic C Language Concepts 4

Example: pointers addition and subtraction

yPtr-=3; // Since int takes 2 byte, and assume that yPtr was
//pointing to address of 109, now it points to address of
// 103 as 109 - (3 * 2) = 103
yPtr+=1; // now yPtr points to address of 105
This means that in the above statement when we will add 1 to the yPtr, where yPtr is a pointer to integer,
then the pointer will skip two bytes once and will point to an address of 105 instead of 103.

Example: pointers comparison (>, <, ==)

if (xPtr == zPtr)
cout << "Pointers point to the same location";
cout << "Pointers point to different locations";

Arrays as Pointers

An array name is actually a pointer to the first element of the array. For example,
the following is legal.

int b[100]; // b is an array of 100 ints.

int* p; // p is a pointer to an int.
p = b; //
Assigns address of first element of b to p.

p = &b[0]; // Exactly the same assignment as above.
In this piece of code, we have used the name of an array as pointer to first address of
array. In fact the name of the array is a constant pointer i.e. b is a constant pointer
whereas p is a variable pointer. We can change the contents of variable pointer but
not or constant pointer. In the last statement, we are assigning the address of b, i.e. the
constant pointer to the variable pointer i.e. p.
Array name is a const pointer
As we have already discussed above that when you declare an array, the name is a
pointer. You cannot alter the value of this pointer. In the previous example, you could
never make this assignment.
Basic C Language Concepts 5

b = p; // ILLEGAL because b is a constant pointer.
A pointer can point to element of an array
float x[15];
float *y = &x[0];
float *z = x;
y is a pointer to x[0]
z is also a pointer to x[0]
y+1 is pointer to x[1]
thus *(y+1) and x[1] access the same object
y[1] is same as *(y+1)
integer add, subtract and relational operators are allowed on pointers
Example: Pointer De-referencing
int *ptr;
int j = 10;
ptr = &j;
printf ("%d\n", *ptr);
*ptr = 15;
printf ("%d %d\n", *ptr, j);
if (ptr != 0)
{ printf ("Pointer ptr points at %d\n", *ptr);
*ptr de-references pointer to access object pointed at
*ptr can be used on either side of assignment operator
if ptr is equal to 0, then pointer is pointing at nothing and is called a null
dereferencing a null pointer causes a core dump
Example: Pointer arithmetic.
double d;
double *ptr_d;
char c;
char *ptr_c;
ptr_d = &d;
ptr_c = &c;
//This operation will skips 8 bytes in memory because ptr_d is a pointer to double.

ptr_d = ptr_d + 1;

//This operation will skips 1 byte in memory because ptr_c is a pointer to character.
Basic C Language Concepts
ptr_c = ptr_c +1;
float x[5];

Our memory model is

is a pointer to the first element
*x and x[0] are the same
x and &x[0] are the same
elements of an array can be accessed either way
x is an array object, not a pointer object

Pointer Advantages

This allows a function to "return" more than a single value (we are not really
returning more than a single variable, but we are able to directly modify the
values that are in main, from within a function).
This allows us to refer to larger data structures with just a single pointer. This cuts
back on creating multiple copies of a structure, which consumes both memory and
This also opens the door to dynamic memory allocation.

Pointer Disadvantages

The syntax may be confusing initially.
Harder to debug, have to follow pointers to make sure they are doing what is
More Segmentation faults / Bus errors
Basic C Language Concepts 7
What's wrong here?
float x[15];
float* y, z;
y = x; /* Right */
z = x; /* Wrong */
Y is a pointer to float so it can contain the starting address of array x
z is a float and not a float pointer


Use pointers when you want efficient results.
To develop plug-ins of existing software use pointers as much as you can.
Take extreme care while manipulating arrays with pointers.
Many bugs in large programmes arise due to pointers so only use pointers when
Make sure to initialize pointers with some valid value.
Don’t try to modify the contents of constant pointers.
Be sure that the data types of pointer variable and the pointed variable are same.
Do not assign system area addresses to pointers


In this lecture we started our discussion by revising our basic concepts like RAM. Then
we have discussed pointers, how pointers are initialized, what is meant by Pointer
Arithmetic. Pointers are very important and useful as with the help of them we can access
a very large data structure, similarly other advantages and a few disadvantages of pointers
have also been discussed.

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