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Lesson 18


1) Files
2) Text File Handling
3) Example 1
4) Output File Handling
5) Example 2
6) Tips

We will discuss
files and file handling in this lecture. The topic is going to be a sequel of
the subjects like bit, bytes, character, numbers etc. In the previous lecturers, we have
about strings, which are actually character arrays. These all the subjects when
combined together,
becomes a program. While typing a letter or a document in word
processor, we actually deal with big collection of words like sentences, not with bits and
bytes. These
combinations of characters, words, sentences and paragraph are called as
files. The files in the computer are classified under different categories. Primarily,
are two types of files i.e. text files and executable program files. Text files consist of
readable English characters. These include our simple text files, or word processor file
etc. On the other hand, the executable program files run the program. In the dos
command prompt window), when we write the command ‘dir’, a list of files is
displayed. Similarly, Windows explorer is used in the windows. Click on some folder to
see the list of the files in that folder in the right panel. These are the names of the files,
which we see. The file properties show the length of the file, date of creation etc. One
category of data files is plain text files. We can create plain text files using the windows
type the text and save it. It is an ordinary text, which means that there is no
formatting of text involved. We can view this text using the ‘type’ command of the dos
(type filename). Similarly, our source programs are also plain text files. There is no
formatted text in cpp files. There is another kind of text files, which are not plain ones.
Lecture No. 18¶

Deleted: Chapter. 14

Deleted: Example 1

Deleted: Example 2

Deleted: Today’s topic is about

Deleted: handling. We have been
talking about

Deleted: Then we discuss

Deleted: When we combine all these
things, it

Deleted: We type

Deleted: processor. Similarly, we can
have essays, novels as a

Deleted: bigger collection of words,
sentences. These are no longer bits and
bytes. We call these

Deleted: sentences, paragraph as files.
There are many types of files in the
computer. Primarily

Deleted: The other type is executable
programs, which runs on

Deleted: issue

Deleted: windows, click

Deleted: Files can contain data or there
are program files.

Deleted: note pad,

Deleted: meaning

Deleted: involves and we

Deleted: Today we will be discussing
plain text files

Deleted: are

Deleted: text files.
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These are the word processor files, containing text that is formatted like, bold, italic,
underline, colored text and tables. This formatting information is also stored in the file
along with the text. Therefore such files are not plain text files. Same thing applies to
spreadsheets having
formatting, formulae, cell characteristic etc. Though these files
contain some binary information along with the text, yet these are not program files. We
created these files using some other program like Microsoft Word, excel etc. Such files
also fall in the category of text files. The other type is the program file that executes on
the computer. Normally, executable files contain only non-printable binary information.
There are different ways of handling these files.
Today we will see what is the utility of
files in our programs. We know that all the
information in the computer memory is volatile. It means when we turn off the computer
that information will be lost. The data, written in a program, is actually the part of the
program and is saved on the disk. Whenever we execute the program that data will be
available. Suppose we have to develop a payroll system for a factory. For this purpose,
we will at first need to gather the data like name of the employees, their salaries etc.
Enter all this information before getting their attendance. After collecting all the
information, you can calculate their salary and print a report of the salary. Now the
question arises whether we will have
to enter the name and salary of employees every
The better way is to store this information once and re-use it every month. We can
save this information in a file and can calculate the salary after getting the current
month’s attendance of employees. We have to do all the calculations again in case of not
the report on the disk. It will be nicer if we have saved the output file on the disk.
can take the print out whenever we need. We are discussing this just to give you the
justification of using files. The data in the memory is volatile. Similarly, the data, which
we key in the program during the execution of a program, is also volatile. To save the
data on permanent basis, we need files so that we keep these on the disk and can use
whenever needed. Now there is need to learn how to create a file on the disk, read from
the file, and write into the file and how to manipulate the data in it. This is the file
Text file Handling

Let's see
what are the basic steps needed for file handling. Suppose we have a file on the
disk and want to open it.
Then read from or write into the file before finally closing it.
The basic steps of file handling are:
Open the file
Read and write
Close the file
We have been using cin and cout a lot in the programs. We know that these are the doors
by which data can enter and come out. cin is used to enter the data and cout is used to
display the data on the screen. Technically, these are known as streams in C++. We will
discuss in detail about streams in later lectures. Today we will see some more streams
about file handling. This is how 'C++ language' handles files. For this purpose, the
header file to be used is <fstream.h> (i.e. file stream). Whenever using files in the
program, we will include this header file as #include <fstream.h>. These streams are

Deleted: files. These files contain text
but this text

Deleted: text, therefore

Deleted: on spreadsheets, which

Deleted: formulas,

Deleted: but

Deleted: lie

Deleted: s

Deleted: binary information, which is
not printable.

So far, we have been using characters,
numbers in our program. Then we learn
how to use arrays and strings, which are
actually character arrays. Today we will
learn how to use files in the program. The
question arises why we want to use

Deleted: which is

Deleted: the program is

Deleted: is

Deleted: Now suppose

Deleted: First

Deleted: employees, their salary etc.
Enter all this information, then get their
attendance, and then calculate their
salary. Finally print a report of their
salary. Are we going

Deleted: month?

Deleted: then by

Deleted: employees can calculate the
salary. Similarly, do we need to save the

Deleted: again, if we did not save

Deleted: disk, we

Deleted: feel for the

Deleted: files

Deleted: we needed. So we have

Deleted: the file.

Deleted: Today we will discuss text file

Deleted: Lets look

Deleted: we need

Deleted: disk. First we need to open

Deleted: and then finally close the file.

Deleted: our

Deleted: C++

Deleted: and not C

Deleted: we are

Deleted: our
... [3]
... [1]
... [2]

Page 209
used the way we have been employing cin and cout but we can do more with these
streams. While handling files, one can have three options. Firstly, we will only read the
file i.e. read only file. It means the file is used as input for the program. We need to have
a stream for input file i.e. ifstream (input file stream). Similarly, if we want to write in
some file, ofstream (output file stream) can be used. Sometimes we may need to read and
write in the same file. One way is to read from a file, manipulate it and write it in another
file, delete the original file and renaming the new file with the deleted file name. We can
read, write and manipulate the same file using fstream.h.
Let's us see
how can we use these files in our programs. First, we have to include the
in our programs. Then we need to declare file streams. cin and cout are predefined
streams which needed not to be declared.
We can declare file stream as:
ifstream inFile; // object for reading from a file
ofstream outFile; // object for writing to a file
The variables inFile and outFile are used as 'handle to refer' files. These are like internal
used to handle the files that are on the disk. We will use inFile as declared
above to read a file. Any meaningful and self-explanatory name can be used.
To deal
with a payroll system, payrollDataFile can be used as a file stream variable i.e. ifstream
. Consider the following statement:
ifstream myFile;
Here myFile is an internal variable used to handle the file. So far, we did not attach a file
with this handle. Before going for attachment, we will have to open a file. Logically,
there is function named ‘open’ to open a file. While associating a file with the variable
the syntax will be as under:
You have noted that this is a new way of function calling. We are using dot (.) between
the myFile and open function. myFile is an object of ifstream while open() is a function
of ifstream. The argument for the open function filename is the name of the file on the
disk. The data type of argument filename is character string, used to give the file name in
double quotation marks. The file name can be simple file name like “payroll.txt”. It can
be fully qualified path name like “C:\myprogs\payroll.txt”. In the modern operating
systems like Windows, disks are denoted as C: or D: etc. We have different folders in it
like ‘myprogs’ and can have files in this folder. The fully qualified path means that we
have to give the path beginning from C:\.
To under stand it further, suppose that
we are working in the folder ‘myprogs’ and our
source and executable files are also in this folder. Here, we don’t need to give a complete
path and can write it as “payroll.txt”. If the file to be opened is in the current directory
(i.e. the program and text file are in the same folder), you can open it by simply giving
name. If you are not familiar with the windows file system, get some information
from windows help system. It is a hierarchical system. The disk, which is at the top,

Deleted: in similar way we have been
using cin and

Deleted: cout, but we can do more with
these streams. Now we

Deleted: First option is

Deleted: and that stream is

Deleted: need

Deleted: we will use

Deleted: Let us take a look

Deleted: predefined streams therefore
we did not declare these.

Deleted: handle to refer

Deleted: variables which will be

Deleted: disk. If we want to read a file,

Deleted: above. We can use any name
here, which is meaningful and selfexplanatory.
Suppose if

Deleted: system, we can declare a

Deleted: as:

Deleted: variable, which will be used o

Deleted: First, we need to open a file
and logically

Deleted: How can we use the open
function? As we want to associate

Deleted: myFile. The syntax is as;

Deleted: and

Deleted: , this

Deleted: can

Deleted: or it

Deleted: etc and we

Deleted: starting from C:\. There is
another short hand for this. If

Deleted: In this case,

Deleted: the

Deleted: folder) then we

Deleted: its

Deleted: hierarchal system. At the top
is disk, which
Page 210
contains folder and files. Folders can contain subfolders and files. It is a multi-level
system. In UNIX, the top level is “root”, which contains files and directories.
So it’s like a bottom-up tree. Root is at the top while the branches are spreading
downward. Here ‘root’ is considered as root of a tree and files or subfolders are branches.
To open a file, we use open function while giving it the name of the file as fully qualified
path name or simple name. Then we also tell it what we want to do with that file i.e. we
want to read that file or write into that file or want to modify that file. We have declared
as ifstream (input file stream) variable so whenever we tried to open a file with
variable it can only be opened for input. Once the file is open, we can read it.
The access mechanism is same, as we have been using with streams. So to read a word
from the file we can write as:
myFile >> c;
So the first word of the file will be read in c, where c is a character array. It is similar as
we used with cin. There are certain limitations to this. It can read just one word at one
time. It means, on encountering a space,
it will stop reading further. Therefore, we have
to use it repeatedly to read the complete file. We can also read multiple words at a time
myFile >> c1 >> c2 >> c3;
The first word will be read in c1, 2nd in c2 and 3rd in c3. Before reading the file, we
should know some information regarding the structure of the file. If we have a file of an
employee, we should know that the first word is employee’s name, 2nd word is salary etc,
so that we can read the first word in a string and 2nd word in an int variable. Once we
have read the file, it must be closed. It is the responsibility of the programmer to close the
file. We can close the file as:
The function close() does not require any argument, as we are going to close the file
associated with myFile. Once we close the file, no file is associated with myfile now.
Let’s have
a look on error checking mechanism while handling files. Error checking is
very important. Suppose we have to open a text file myfile.txt from the current directory,
we will write as:
ifstream myFile;
If this file does not exist on the disk, the variable myFile will not be associated with any
file. There may be many reasons due to which the myFile will not be able to get the
handle of the file. Therefore, before going ahead, we have to make sure that the file
opening process is successful. We can write as:

Deleted: It’s a multilevel hierarchal

Deleted: bottom up tree, root

Deleted: and

Deleted: and give

Deleted: time, it mean whenever it
encounters a space

Deleted: Lets take
Page 211
if (!myFile)
cout << “There is some error opening file” << endl;
cout << “ File cannot be opened” << end;
cout << “ File opened successfully “ << end;
Example 1

Lets write a simple program, which will read from a file ‘myfile.txt’ and print it on the
screen. “myfile.txt” contains employee’s name, salary and department of employees.
Following is
the complete program along with “myfile.txt” file.
Sample “myfile.txt”.
Name Salary Department
Aamir 12000 Sales
Amara 15000 HR
Adnan 13000 IT
Afzal 11500 Marketing
Code of the program.
* This program reads from a txt file “myfile.txt” which contains the
* employee information
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
char name[50]; // used to read name of employee from file
char sal[10]; // used to read salary of employee from file
char dept[30]; // used to read dept of employee from file
ifstream inFile; // Handle for the input file
char inputFileName[] = "myfile.txt"; // file name, this file is in the current directory
inFile.open(inputFileName); // Opening the file
// checking that file is successfully opened or not

Deleted: Below are

Deleted: and a sample

Deleted: Name Salary Department¶
Aamir 12000 Sales¶
Amara 15000 HR¶
Adnan 13000 IT¶
Afzal 11500 Marketing

Deleted: /* ¶
* This program reads from a txt file
“myfile.txt” which contains the ¶
* employee information ¶

#include <iostream.h>¶
#include <fstream.h>¶


ifstream inFile; //
Handle for the input file¶
char inputFilename[] = "myfile.txt";
// file name, this file is in the current
// OPening the file¶

// checking that file is successfuly
opened or not¶
if (!inFile) ¶

cout << "Can't open input file named "
<< inputFilename << endl; exit(1); ¶
} ¶

char name[50]; // used to read name
of employee from file¶
char sal[10]; // used to read salary
of employee from file¶
char dept[30]; // used to read dept of
employee from file ¶
// Reading the complete file word by
word and printing on screen¶
while (!inFile.eof()) ¶
{ ¶
inFile >> name >> sal >> dept;¶
cout << name << "\t" << sal << " \t"
<< dept << endl; ¶

... [4]
... [5]

Page 212
if (!inFile)
cout << "Can't open input file named " << inputFileName << endl;
// Reading the complete file word by word and printing on screen
while (!inFile.eof())
inFile >> name >> sal >> dept;
cout << name << "\t" << sal << " \t" << dept << endl;
Output of the program.
Name Salary Department
Aamir 12000 Sales
Amara 15000 HR
Adnan 13000 IT
Afzal 11500 Marketing
In the above program, we have declared three variables for reading the data from the
input file (i.e. name, sal, dept). The text file “myfile.txt” and the program file should be in
the same directory as there is no fully qualified path used with the file name in the open()
function. After opening the file, we will check that file is successfully opened or not. If
there is some error while opening the file, we will display the error on screen and exit
from the program. The statement exit(1) is used to exit from the program at any time and
the control is given back to the operating system. Later, we will read all the data from the
file and put it into the variables. The condition in ‘while loop’ is “!inFile.eof()” means
until the end of file reached. The function eof() returns true when we reached at the end
of file.
Output File Handling

Let’s talk about the output file handling. You can do several things with output files like,
creation of a new file on the disk and writing data in it. Secondly, we may like to open an
existing file and overwrite it in such a manner that all the old information is lost from it
and new information is stored. Thirdly, we may want to open an existing file and append
it in the end. Fourthly, an existing file can be opened and modified in a way that it can be
anywhere in the file. Therefore, when we open a file for output we have several
options and we might use any one of these methods. All these things are related to the
mode. The actual syntax of open function is:
open (filename, mode)

Deleted: Name Salary Department¶
Aamir 12000 Sales¶
Amara 15000 HR¶
Adnan 13000 IT¶
Afzal 11500 Marketing

Deleted: directory, as we have not
given the

Deleted: are checking

Deleted: Then we are reading

Deleted: ting

Deleted: while loop

Deleted: We

Deleted: files. We may want to create

Deleted: write

Deleted: want

Deleted: will be

Deleted: write new information.

Deleted: we may want to open

Deleted: and want to modify it such
that can write

Deleted: be interested in using

Deleted: the option.

Deleted: file opening
... [6]

Page 213
The first argument is the name of the file while the second will be the mode in which file
is to be opened. Mode is basically an integer variable but its values are pre-defined.
When we open a file for input, its mode is input file that is defined and available through
the header files, we have included. So the correct syntax of file opening for input is:
myFile.open(“myfile.txt” , ios::in);
The 2nd argument ios::in associates myFile stream object with the “myfile.txt” for input.
Similarly, for output files, there are different modes available. To open a file for output
mode, ios::out is used. Here is the complete list of modes:

Mode Meaning

in Open a file or stream for extraction (input)
out Open a file or stream for insertion (output)
app Append rather than truncate an existing file. Each insertion
(output) will be written to the end of the file

trunc Discards the file’s contents if it exists. (similar to default

ate Opens the file without truncating, but allows data to be
written anywhere in the file

binary Treat the file as binary rather than text. A binary file has
data stored in internal formats, rather than readable text

If a file is opened with ios::out mode, a new file is created. However, if the file already
exists, its contents will be deleted and get empty unless you write something into it. If we
want to append into the file, the mode will be ios::app. When we write into the file, it
will be added in the end of the file. If we want to write anywhere in the file, the mode is
. We can position at some particular point and can write there. It is like append
mode. But in ‘
ate mode’ we can write anywhere in the file. With the trunc mode, the file
is truncated, it is similar to out mode.


Write a program, which creates a new file, and write “Welcome to VU” in it.
The code of the program is:
* This program writes into a txt file “myfileOut.txt” which contains the
* “Welcome to VU”
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>

Deleted: and

Deleted: argument is

Deleted: out

Deleted: in

Deleted: trunc

Deleted: ate

Deleted: binary

Deleted: will be

Deleted: file then the mode is ios::app,
and when

Deleted: there, it

Deleted: mode but in ate mode
... [11]
... [10]
... [7]
... [9]
... [8]

Page 214
ofstream outFile; // Handle for the input file
char outputFileName[] = "myFileOut.txt"; // The file is created in the current directory
char ouputText[100] = "Welcome to VU"; // used to write into the file
outFile.open(outputFileName, ios::out); // Opening the file
// checking that file is successfully opened or not
if (!outFile)
cout << "Can't open input file named " << outputFileName << endl;
// Writing into the file
outFile << ouputText;
The file “myFileOut.txt”:
Welcome to VU


Write a program, which reads an input file of employee’s i.e. “employeein.txt”. Add the
salary of each employee by 2000, and write the result in a new file “employeeout.txt”.
The sample input file “employeein.txt”
Aamir 12000
Amara 15000
Adnan 13000
Afzal 11500
The output file “employeeout.txt” should be as:
Name Salary
Aamir 14000
Amara 17000
Adnan 15000
Afzal 13500
We have been using ‘>>’ sign for reading data from the file. There are some other ways
to read from the file. The get() function is used to get a character from the file, so that we
can use get() to read a character and put it in a char variable. The last character in the file
is EOF, defined in header files. When we are reading file using get() function the loop
will be as:

Deleted: employees i.e.
“employeein.txt”, add

Deleted: We have


Deleted: it is also
Page 215
char c;
while ( (c = inFile.get()) != EOF)
// do all the processing
There is one limitation with the ‘>>’ i.e. it does not read the new line character and in the
output file we have to insert the new line character explicitly, whereas get() function
reads each character as it was typed. So if we have to make a copy of a file, the function
should be used. Can we have a function to put a character in the output file? Yes,
the function to write a single character in the out put file is put(). So with the output file
stream handle, we can use this function to write a character in the output file.


Write the above programs using the get() function and verify the difference of ‘>>’ and
’get()’ using different input files.
While declaring
a variable we initialize it the way we declare an integer as int i. We
initialize it as i = 0. Similarly we can declare and initialize an input or output file stream
variable as:
ifstream inFile(“myFileIn.txt”);
ofstream outFile(“myfileOut.txt”, ios::out);
This is a short hand for initialization. This is same as we open it with open() function.
Normally we open a file explicitly with the open() function and close it explicitly with
function. Another advantage of using explicitly opening a file using the open()
function is, we can use the same variable to associate with other files after closing the
first file.
We can also read a line from the file. The benefit of reading a line is efficiency. But
clarity should not be sacrificed
over efficiency. We read from the disk and write to the
disk. The disk is an electro mechanical device. It is the slowest component in the
computer. Other parts like processors, memory etc are very fast nowadays i.e. up o 2Ghz.
When we talk about hard disk, we say its average access time is 7 mili sec. It means when
we request hard disk to get data it will take 7 mili sec (7/1000 of a sec) to get the data
where as processor is running on GHz speed, a thousand million cycles per sec. Processor
and memory are much much faster than the hard disk. Therefore reading a single
character from the file is too slow. Nowadays, the buffering and other techniques are used
to make the disk access faster. It will be quite efficient if we read the data in bigger
chunks i.e. 64k or 256k bytes and also write in bigger chunks. Today’s operating system
applies the buffering and similar techniques. Instead of reading and writing character-bycharacter
or word-by-word, reading and writing line by line is efficient. A function is
available for this purpose i.e. getLine() for input file stream and putLine() for output file
stream. The syntax of getLine() is as follows:

Deleted: and that is

Deleted: file we

Deleted: file then

Deleted: put(), so

Deleted: Whenever we declare

Deleted: like if

Deleted: i; we

Deleted: 0;

Deleted: efficiency, but do not sacrifice
the clarity for

Deleted: device and

Deleted: which is

Deleted: Although nowadays

Deleted: read
Page 216
char name[100];
int maxChar = 100;
int stopChar = ‘o’;
inFile.getLine(name, maxChar, stopChar);
The first argument is a character array. The array should be large enough to hold the
complete line. The second argument is the maximum number of characters to be read.
The third one is the character if we want to stop somewhere. Suppose we have an input
file containing the line ‘Hello World’, then the statements:
char str[20];
inFile.getLine(str, 20, ‘W’);
cout << “The line read from the input file till W is ” << str;
The getLine() function will read ‘Hello ’. Normally we do not use the third argument.
The default value for the third argument is new line character so getLine() will read the
complete line up to the new line character. The new line character will not be read. The
line read will be stored in the array, used in the first argument. It is our responsibility that
the array should be large enough to hold the entire line. We can manipulate this data.
Using the getLine() repeatedly to read the file is much more efficient rather than using the
function. As the getLine() function does not read the new line character, we have to
put it explicitly. If we have large file to be read, the difference in speed with both the
programs i.e. using get() and getLine() can be noted.


Write a program which reads a file using the getLine() function and display it on the
Sample input file:
This is a test program
In this program we learn how to use getLine() function
This function is faster than using the get() function
The complete code of the program:
* This program reads from a txt file line by line
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
ifstream inFile; // Handle for the input file

Deleted: array, the

Deleted: which is

Deleted: line and then we

Deleted: then
Page 217
char inputFileName[] = "test.txt"; // file name, this file is in the current directory
const int MAX_CHAR_TO_READ = 100; // maximum character to read in one line
char completeLineText[MAX_CHAR_TO_READ]; // to be used in getLine function
inFile.open(inputFileName); // Opening the file
// checking that file is successfuly opened or not
if (!inFile)
cout << "Can't open input file named " << inputFileName << endl;
// Reading the complete file line by line and printing on screen
while (!inFile.eof())
inFile.getline(completeLineText, MAX_CHAR_TO_READ);
cout << completeLineText << endl;
The output of the program is:
This is a test program
In this program we learn how to use getLine() function
This function is faster than using the get() function
Example 2

Problem statement:

A given input file contains Name of the employee and salary of current month. There is a
single space between the name and the salary. Name and salary can not contain spaces.
Calculate the total salaries of the employees. Create an output file and write the total
salary in that file.


We can read a line from the input file using the getLine() function. Now we need to break
this line into pieces and get the name and salary in different variables. Here we can use
the string token function i.e. strtok(). The string token function (strtok()) takes a string
and a delimiter i.e. the character that separates tokens from each other. As there is a space
between the name and the salary, we can use the space character as delimiter. So the first
call to the string token function will return the name of the employee, the second call will
return the salary of the employee. The syntax to get the next token from the strtok()
function is: strtok(NULL, ‘ ‘).It means return the next token from the same string. The

Deleted: salary so

Deleted: ‘), it
Page 218
second token contains the salary of the employee and is in a char string. We need to add
the salaries of all the employees. So convert the salary from character to integer. For this
purpose we can use atoi() function.
Sample input file:
Aamir 12000
Amara 15000
Adnan 13000
Afzal 11500
Complete code of the program:
* This program reads name and salary from a txt file
* Calculate the salaries and write the total in an output file
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
ifstream inFile; // Handle for the input file
char inputFileName[] = "salin.txt"; // file name, this file is in the current directory
ofstream outFile; // Handle for the output file
char outputFileName[] = "salout.txt"; // file name, this file is in the current directory
const int MAX_CHAR_TO_READ = 100; // maximum character to read in one line
char completeLineText[MAX_CHAR_TO_READ]; // used in getLine function
char *tokenPtr; // Used to get the token of a string
int salary, totalSalary;
salary = 0;
totalSalary = 0;
inFile.open(inputFileName); // Opening the input file
outFile.open(outputFileName); // Opening the output file
// Checking that file is successfully opened or not
if (!inFile)
cout << "Can't open input file named " << inputFileName << endl;
if (!outFile)
so we need
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cout << "Can't open output file named " << outputFileName << endl;
// Reading the complete file line by line and calculating the total salary
while (!inFile.eof())
inFile.getline(completeLineText, MAX_CHAR_TO_READ);
tokenPtr = strtok(completeLineText, " "); // First token is name
tokenPtr = strtok(NULL, " "); // 2nd token is salary
salary = atoi(tokenPtr);
totalSalary += salary;
// Writing the total into the output file
outFile << "The total salary = " << totalSalary;
// closing the files
The contents of output file:
The total salary = 51500


1) Modify the above program such that the input and output files are given as the
command line arguments. Add another information in the input file i.e. the
age of the employee. Calculate the average age of the employees and write it
in the out put file.
2) Write a program, which reads an input file. The structure of the input file is
First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name. Create an output file with the structure
First Name, Login Name, Password. First name is same as in the input file.
The login name is middle initial and last name together. The password is the
first four digits of the first name. First name, middle initial and last name does
not contain space.
The sample input file is:
Syed N Ali
Muhammad A Butt
Faisal A Malik
Muhammad A Jamil
If the above file is used as input, the output should be as follows:
Syed Nali Syed
Muhammad Abutt Muha
Page 220
Faisal Amalik Fais
Muhammad Ajamil Muha


Always close the file with the close function.
Open a file explicitly with open function
Always apply the error checking mechanism while handling with files.

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