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Seven Cs of Effective Communication 2


Consideration means preparing every message with the message receiver in mind.

Don’t loose your temper.

Don’t accuse.

Don’t charge them without facts.

Focus on ‘you’ Instead of ‘I’ or ‘we’:

•To create considerate, audience-oriented messages, focus on how message receivers will

benefit, what they will receive, and what they want or need to know.

•In some cases this can be accomplished by emphasis; you may downplay your own

feelings to make a point


We-attitude : I am delighted to announce that we have extended our

office hours to make shopping more convenient.

You-attitude : You will be able to shop eveneings with the extended office


The use of ‘you’ in negative situations can be avoided by employing passive voice, making

the receiver part of the group.

Show audience Benefit or Interest in the receiver

Readers may react positively when benefits are shown to them.

Whenever possible and true, show your receivers will benefit from whatever the message

asks or announces.

Benefits must meet recipient's needs, address their concerns, or offer them rewards.

Emphasize Positive, Pleasant Facts:

•Another way to show consideration is to emphasize pleasant and positive facts.

•This means stressing what can be done instead of what cannot be done.

•Also you must focus on words your recipient considers favorable.


•The following opening of a letter the negative words are underlined, you’d rather not have

at all.

–We regret that, since you closed your account, your name is missing from our long list of

satisfied customers. We sincerely hope that inspire the best efforts of our fine staff, there

were no occasions on which you felt we failed to serve you properly.


•Communicating concretely means being specific, definite, and vivid rather than vague and


•Often it means using denotative (direct, explicit, often dictionary-based) rather than

connotative words.


•The benefits to business professionals of using concrete facts and figures are

–Your receivers know exactly what is desired

–When you supply specifics for the reader you increase the likelihood of that you message

will be interpreted the way you intended.

Passive Instead of Active:

•When you want to avoid personal blunt accusations

–‘The October check was not included’ is more tactful than ‘you failed to include….’

–‘Attendance at the meeting id required’ is less hard than ‘You must attend….’

Use vivid, Image building words

You can make your message forceful by using


•sensory appeals

•figurative language

•concrete nouns

•well-chosen adjectives


Bland Image : This is a long letter.

More Vivid Image : This letter is three times as long as you said it

would be.

Figurative Language

Literal : Her work in groups was exemplary.

Figurative: She could be called the spark plug of the group.


•Were you precise in using facts and figures whenever possible?

•Did you use active voice more than passive?

•Is there action in verbs rather than in nouns?

•Did you try occasionally to use vivid, image building words ? But in business writing use

them sparingly.

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